The Purpose Of a Good Education

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It is the belief of many that a proper education is not necessary to be successful in life. While it is true that there are rare exceptions to this generality, it is not a generality for "no reason." If a person expects to live a fulfilling intellectual life, education is required. People say that so-and-so managed with out--but the frank truth is this: the times have changed. We don't live in the world that existed in the past. We live NOW. The bar, this minimum standard of society, is constantly being raised as people catch up and compensate. Honestly I'm only rambling about this so I can join. All of my good essays are at home and I'm babysitting and using my mother's laptop at the moment; mine broke. Because I'm sure you cared. Well, I suppose I may as well tell you about myself because they're nothing else to say. So lend me a seat in your mind and I'll entertain you with words you could live contently without reading. I am a teenage writer--published twice already and hoping for more. I am interested in grammar and editing, but I really would love to be a linguist in my future career. I'm not silly, like most teenage girls are. I haven't been "in love." I try to be practical--though naturally my pent-up emotional side represents itself in my writing on many occasions. But writing is expression, and expression is art, and what is art without feeling? Allow me to continue, if I have managed to hold your attention still. There is a strange sentimental feeling that I have managed to acquire about beginnings and firsts: the beginning of a season, the beginning of a lovely friendship, a first word, a first kiss, sunrises. They give me a certain thrill that I find difficult to attain in other things. Beggings bring apprehension, but in a peculiar elated manner. Beginnings excite me. Beginnings are the driving force shoving away bittersweet closings or

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