The Pros And Cons Of NAFTA

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The underlying agenda of NAFTA, North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect in the early 1990’s between the United States of American, Canada and Mexico. It was designed to utilize the abundant source of cheap labor within Mexico. On the surface, the agreement had a higher calling, to keep low wage earners from becoming undocumented laborers in the US; they would work in their own country instead of living in the shadows in the United States. Also, the Mexican government would benefit from having employment opportunities for their people, at least in the manufacturing sector along the borders with the US. NAFTA even had an important provision for the welfare of the Mexican laborers. However, the rosy picture was little more than window dressing at a grand scale. The maquiladoras were factories that employed many unskilled laborers and some office workers. To call the maquiladoras, “sweatshops”, would not be an understatement. Wages actually decreased in Mexico and increased in the US during NAFTA. Naturally, undocumented workers increased in the US NAFTA. Maquiladoras were owned and operated by large international manufacturing companies who benefitted economically in a disproportionate way over Mexico, in general and its maquiladora workers, in particular. To compare the abuse and unfairness of…show more content…
Workers provided economic prosperity for elite of Mexico such a business owners and the international companies using cheap Mexican labor. Additionally, the CTM, Mexico’s labor union did little to help the workers cause. Workers were uniformed of health and safety risks due to lax industrial hygiene practices. Almost no recourse was available to attain fair compensation, safe working conditions, etc. They were easily kept subjugated due to their low education and need for work, just like the rural peasants of the
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