The Presence of Film Art in Pride and Prejudice

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Demasio Timmons Dr. Capers English 101 September 7, 2014 The Presence of Film Art in Pride and Prejudice Throughout filmmaking, a genre is first utilized and expounded upon to please the masses. Yet, a combination of multiple genres creates a more innovative film, especially if it is your personal opinion of a preceding work. Joe Wright’s cinematic rendition of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is a compilation of the drama and epics-historical genres; the attributes that comprises it is divided into multiple subgenres—literary and costume dramas. Originally, drama genres exhibit the fallacies of modern human life, showing the extents of human emotion at its best and at its worst. The drama genre in its entirety exists within the film Pride and Prejudice. According to Tim Dirks classification of the drama genre, this particular division of cinema portrays “serious presentations or stories with settings or life situations” that renders “realistic characters in conflict with either themselves, others, or forces of nature,” (Dirks). Another key aspect of drama genre is the topical focus on genuine human ills, such as “class divisions” and “sexual inequality,” (Dirks). Although the spectrum of the drama genre extends through many films, Pride and Prejudice can be further categorized as a subgenre, literary genre. Literary works have greatly impacted the production of multiple films based entirely from the ideology of an author’s novel, memoir, or play. Notably, “thousands of films have taken their genesis from existing books, plays, short stories, and tales,” (Dirks). For the film Pride and Prejudice, the inspiration of this rendition stems from the mind and era of Jane Austen. Although the movie does not directly correlate with the novel she wrote, one is still exposed to themes that drives the film, as well as the perception of the characters nonetheless.

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