The Political Establishment in Germany Succeeded in Maintaining the Political Status Quo Through a Policy of Moderate Reform

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Tom Andrews ‘The political establishment in Germany succeeded in maintaining the political status quo through a policy of moderate reform.’ How far do you agree with this judgement? The political establishment in Germany succeeded in maintaining the political status quo through a series of moderate reform to a … extent however there were other factors which allowed the political establishment to be maintained, such as the safeguards within the constitution, the voting system and the adventurous foreign policy. In order to answer this question, one must understand that the ‘political establishment’ during this period was the overruling power of the Kaiser and the individual power of the Chancellor and the Army who were directly responsible to the Kaiser, with all major powerbases dominated by Prussians and the wealthier classes and also the hierarchy within Germany with workers at the bottom and the Junkers, Army, Chancellor and Kaiser above them. Therefore ‘maintaining the political status quo’ suggests that the current political establishment did not differ substantially from the system formed during the unification of Germany in 1871 and any ‘moderate reform’ should not unbalance this. This is supported because during this period there were limited reforms which had any dramatic change on the political establishment. The political establishment also included the slightly democratic parliament, which disguised the authoritarian constitution which Germany was ruled by, however the authoritarian power is shown by the ability which the Kaiser had to dissolve the Reichstag. The statement can be supported because during this period there was little movement away from the autocratic regime and towards either a more democratic or socialist political establishment. It could therefore be argued that the authoritarian establishment was maintained and that reforms
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