“the Philosophers of the Enlightenment Stood on the Shoulders of the Men of the Scientific Revolution.”

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Nebil Berhanu DBQ The statement that, “The philosophers of the Enlightenment stood on the shoulders of the men of the Scientific Revolution.” is quite accurate. This is because many of the beliefs that the philosophers held about science and nature were shared with the beliefs during the Scientific Revolution. The Scientific Revolution marked a shift away from religion and superstition and towards logic. It was this belief in logic that was the cornerstone of Enlightenment Era beliefs. As we see in this segment of Document 6 “Reason is in the estimation of the philosopher what grace is to the Christian. Grace determines the Christian's action; reason the philosopher's.” the philosophers of the Enlightenment strove to explain everything by means of logic and reason which was a mindset that was pioneered during the Scientific Revolution. Essentially, Enlightenment thinkers took the rational mindset from scientific discoveries of the Scientific Revolution and began to apply it to society. Isaac Newton's discoveries established the principles of the Enlightenment. At the time, discovery was looked at with skepticism as people had become accustomed to the bible being the only source of information about the world. For example, Newton’s discovery of the laws of gravity demonstrated that there were natural, unchangeable and yet predictable laws that governed the universe (Newton 2). In turn, Enlightenment thinkers believed that if natural laws did exist, and humans could discover these laws, then they could design the ideal society to live in. Rousseau is a great example of a philosopher who looked at the social issues that were brought about by the new mindset of the Scientific Revolution. He was obsessed with making social reforms as people had begun to view themselves differently since they were no longer deigned to be the center of the universe. He used the newly
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