Galileo Galilei: Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Tuscany, 1615 – a Critique of Galileo’s View of the Relationship Between Religion and Science

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Modern History Sourcebook: Galileo Galilei: Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Tuscany, 1615 – A Critique of Galileo’s View of the Relationship Between Religion and Science T. Shaun Thompson 9604488 HIST 404, TME #1 June 2015 Galileo’s letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Tuscany in the early 17th century attempts to reconcile religious faith and scientific reasoning and how closed –minded adherence to sacred texts shouldn’t be used to undermine the legitimacy of scientific truths and their incorporation into the evolving body of knowledge. The letter explores the relationship between science and scripture his attempt to make religion and science compatible by suggesting that the truth can only be ascertained if the theory under consideration can be scientifically proven if the opposing view can be equally proven to be false. His letter tries to open the minds of people to new findings. It also examines the true meaning of Biblical scripture and how to correctly interpret it. In his letter, Galileo asserts the Bible as a direct authority on faith and not as of one on science when his states, “that our authors knew the truth but the Holy Spirit did not desire that men should learn things that are useful to no one for salvation" The idea that the Earth moved and the sun stood still did not contradict scripture. If the scripture was interpreted correctly then the sun could only stand still if the sun normally moved around the Earth. Galileo wanted people during the 18th century to open their minds to the scientific discoveries and realize that a new idea did not have to repute scriptures. He argued against the accusations the he was condemning the Bible in a way that was, "without understanding it, weighing it, or so much as reading it". Galileo claimed to strongly believe the Bible and its message of faith. However, he argues that

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