‘The Outbreak Of War In 1914 Was Due To An Aggress

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‘The outbreak of War in 1914 was due to an aggressive German foreign policy which had been waged since 1900’ Use source on page 46. The notion that Germany played a pivotal part in the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914 is expressed by all three sources, although the belief that it was their aggressive foreign policy which carried the greatest responsibility is voiced especially in Source W. Here David Blackbourn argues that Germany’s naval expansion was highly responsible for increasing international tension. Source V also states that Germany’s foreign policy was to blame for the outbreak of war, focusing on the army’s responsibility. However whilst Source X does suggest foreign policy was involved in the creation of WW1, it challenges the argument to the greatest extent, instead arguing that the Balkans played a crucial part in emergence of war. It can be argued that whilst German foreign policy was a highly significant factor in the outbreak of war, it is important to remember there were many other vital factors, especially the roles of other nations which played a more important role in the outbreak of war. Source W argues that it was Germany’s naval expansion which was highly responsible for the escalation of international tension and therefore supports the idea that Germany’s foreign policy was responsible for the outbreak of WW1. This is clearly seen when Blackbourn states that Tirpitz ‘built a battle fleet aimed at the British’. The idea that Germany’s foreign policy, involving their military actions was responsible for the emergence of war is also prevalent in Source V, where Volker Berghahn claims that ‘generals could only think of further rearmaments expenditure as a remedy’ for Germany’s diplomatic isolation. Thus it can be argued that other nations viewed these decisions as a threat to their positions, resulting in them building up their military
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