The Lost Ark Of The Covenant Analysis

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Amber McCormick Mr. Stoner History 101-W01 September 5, 2014 The Lost Ark of the Covenant The Ark of the Covenant is one of the most sacred objects of the Judeo-Christian religion. Its mysterious disappearance is intensified by its mystical powers as told in the stories of the Bible. Two theories attempt to explain the mystery. One possibility is either King Solomon and/or Josiah preemptively hid the ark before the Babylonian invasion with its present whereabouts unknown. The other theory is that the ark was taken by the Ethiopian ruler, Menelik I, son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba where it remains hidden away in a church. The latter is the most alluring theory of the lost ark because of the powerful relationship between King Solomon…show more content…
No one can see it except the caretaker which inevitably adds to its mystery but is a true testament to their faith in the ark. Paul Raffaele, a reporter for the Smithsonian magazine, went to Aksum to try to see the ark for himself. He describes his fruitless findings in these poetic terms: “But the reality of the ark, like a vision in the moonlight, floated just beyond my grasp and so the millennia-old mystery remained” (Raffaele). The faith of these Christians inspires reverence by all religions, regardless of the absolution of historical facts, which is the very basis of spirituality. The intimate relationship of a powerful King of Israel and a discerning Queen from afar leads to one of the world’s greatest mysteries The theory, in essence, unites people and religions through the ark. Thousands of years have passed since the disappearance, but the ark’s power over religious culture is still felt today. The belief in the ark, wherever it may be, is enough to inspire humanity all over the world to seek a higher power with faith and

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