The Logical Fallacies Found in TV Can Be a Good Parent

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The Logical Fallacies Found in “TV Can Be a Good Parent” The essay “TV Can Be a Good Parent”, by Ariel Gore, is a humorous, yet slightly sarcastic look at the extreme AAP guidelines regarding television usage with children. The author uses logos and pathos to convince us of her theory. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that children need human interaction “for healthy brain growth and the development of appropriate social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Therefore, exposing such young children to television programs should be discouraged.” The author uses reason to illustrate how the AAP seems to assume that children are simply stuck in front of the TV all day with no human interaction, when that is probably rarely the case. Gore uses her own experiences and opinions as a single mother to evoke an emotional response in the reader. I think most parents could probably relate to this statement: “When I was a young mom on welfare, sometimes I needed a break. I needed time to myself. I needed to mellow out to avoid killing my daughter for pouring bleach on the Salvation Army couch. And when I was at my wits’ end, Barney the Dinosaur and Big Bird were better parents than I was.” Gore has several logical fallacies throughout her essay. She undermined her credibility within the second paragraph, when she stated that her rent just went up to $850 a month. What was her rent payment before? If it was $845, then I don’t have very much pity on her! She mentions that her mother did not allow a TV in the house, but that’s because she lived amongst friends, and they shared childcare. Again, she mentions that her mother only paid $175 a month in rent, but she gives us no reference point to let us know if that was an unreasonable rent to pay for the circumstances. Next, she is basing her entire essay on guidelines meant for newborns to 2 year olds, when

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