The Joy of Reading and Writing

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Orgelen Tafa AP Language of Composition Ms. Moses January 24, 2010 ESSAY The short story “The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and me” was written by Sherman Alexie. “The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and me” explains Sherman Alexie’s life as an Indian boy and how writing and reading shaped his life into what he is today. This short essay talks about how he first learned how to read, than to write as well. His intelligence as a young Indian boy and Alexie as an adult now teaching creative writing to Indian kids and imploring them to unlock their full potential to be something in life that they desire and make a difference out there in the world. In the first paragraph, Alexie explains that he first learned to read with a Superman comic book when he was about 3 years old. But, before he could read a comic book, Alexie had taught himself about paragraphs and how he said that they related to the real world. Alexie began to think of everything in terms of paragraphs; such as he thought of his reservation he lived on was a paragraph within the United States. He also thought of his family as an essay of paragraphs, each family member existing as a separate paragraph but still common experiences and genetics linked them to each other. He taught himself to read the text by looking at the pictures, dialogue and narrative, and than pretending to say aloud what he thinks the story might be saying. Alexie was the only Indian that learned quickly while many of his classmates struggled to read even the basic words and vocabulary. The short essay is very interesting and inspiring all by itself. Because it was about a little Indian boy teaching himself to read at an early age and advances quickly in his life growing up in the man he is today. An important quotes that Alexie mentioned in his story as he had said it himself, “I refused to fail. I was

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