The Invisible Cage( Pride and Prejudice)

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The Invisible Cage Pride and Prejudice In the nineteenth century society, the options of choosing husbands for unmarried women are limited due to the reason that the society has prescribed a set of values for them. The English society associated the entrance of a woman into the public with a reprehensible loss of femininity. Jane Austen, the author of the novel Pride and Prejudice herself suffers in this era by not allowed to be acknowledged as the author for her books. In Jane Austen's book Pride and Prejudice, she depicts how young men and women behave in the society and how they set up their life and social position for their own desires. With this background, Jane tries to deliver the message that the people were restrained and they suffered by the rules set by the society such as family reputation, women’s position, and class division. The society expected women to rely on men because of women’s social position. In order to achieve this goal, a women’s life was limited mentally and; educated physically for needs of marriage. Women who are intelligent enough to be independent cannot meet the society’s standard. Women have to depend on men. “‘I thank you again and again for the honour you have done me in your proposal. My feelings in every respect forbid it’” (Austen, 105). Elizabeth’s rejection of Mr. Collins is the way she shows she wants to have a choice but women shouldn’t in that society. A women’s value is to get married one day with at least a husband that is the same or higher position than her family. ‘“I am not romantic, you know, I never was. I ask only comfortable home; and considering Mr. Collin’s character, connections, and situation in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast on entering the marriage state’” (119). Charlotte is a realistic woman, she decides what the best for her and her
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