Gender Equality In Madrid

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Madrid: The missing people that Madrid first refers to are the Hispanos. He talks about how they are not recognized in the American society, therefore they are missing. Where he lives, New Mexico, they are very much a part of society. People like Madrid, Hispanic, predominate. Once he went to UCLA for graduate school he recognized that there wasn’t any Mexican-Americans, Blacks, Asians, nor American Indians on the staff or faculty of the institution. After he began teaching at Dartmouth College he realized that American Indians, Asian Americans, Black Americans, Puerto Ricans and women were not a part of the American institutional life. The missing people were thus re-defined as the minorities and the women of the American society. Madrid…show more content…
She was also taking several women studies classes and had many of her friends preach to her about their feministic views that altered her perceptions on the gender equality in her culture. One day that her father was visiting he an to speak to her that they need to create a two-year marriage plan. As absurd as it sounded to Sayeed, she could not believe that what once used to be a joke when she was a child was becoming a reality. Her father had already a candidate in mind, and she was distraught that the boy he wanted her to marry was a distant family member. She understood that her father only wanted the best for her, but she was discomforted by the idea that her dad was promoting her around and trying to recruit a husband for her. As if she couldn’t find a husband herself. These types of things showed Sayeed that women in her culture did not have much say in who they married or when they were ready to be married, because the father usually sets everything up for them. This was a big inequality between men and women because the women were not even allowed to choose who and when they wanted to marry. Also, women in her culture had to cover themselves up, in order to show modesty and self-protection, which she thought to be an unequal hierarchy. Veiling is an inequality between sexes, and it is though to be natural and okay for Muslim women to…show more content…
She refused to wear it and her father accepted that, but he believes that she will one day go through her religious awakening. When she was in her teenage years, she was only allowed to wear shorts during sports, but other than that she had to cover up her arms and legs completely. Sayeed was looked down on since she was more masculine than most women because of her athletic abilities and she wasn’t a petite lady. Her mom wanted her to wear make up and beautiful Indian jewelry, but she rather loved playing sports, admiring sports figures and reading books. She was far from what her mom wanted, which was a Bollywood princess. When I was in my teenage years, in my culture, young Mexican women were not allowed to wear revealing clothes like shorts that were shorter than your mid-thigh or even wear make-up before the age of fifteen. It was said to be that when a young girl turns fifteen she becomes a woman and thats when she can begin wearing make up and certain clothing. Another thing that my parents did not allow me to do was cut my hair because they embraced long hair as being beautiful. But as time went on I began breaking into the American culture and started doing things like wearing clothes that revealed my arms and legs, also cutting my hair to shorter lengths. Living between two cultures can be

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