The Importance Of Personality

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Contents BACKGROND OF OB: 1 INTRODUCTION: 2 Personality: 4 What is personality? 4 Personality can build efficient agency presentation: 4 Solidarity: 4 Era organization: 5 Analytic: 5 Interpersonal Relations: 5 Deviation in the Workplace: 5 Job Satisfaction: 6 Cultural Fit in workplace: 6 Critical analysis of Personality: 7 Emotions: 7 Explanation of Emotions: 8 Awareness of Doing an Emotion: 9 Honest Description of an Emotion's Purpose: 9 Acceptance of Response/Ability for Your Emotions: 9 Critical analysis of Emotions: 9 MANAGEMENT SKILLES: 10 BACKGROND OF OB: there are large numbers of people who are doing work for a long time. A momental structures and more other a lot of statues and structures were built, forces and governments…show more content…
What most don't know, however, is that personality is one of the most theorized and most researched aspects of psychology? So what is personality? To understand this word, you first need to understand the difference between a trait and a state. A trait is a relatively permanent individual characteristic. For example, most of know people who are outgoing, friendly, confident, or shy. When we describe these people, we use these traits to better understand their personality; to better understand who they are. A state, on the other hand, is a temporary change in one's character. Examples of regions might be angry, depressed, fearful, or anxious. We typically use states to describe a person's reaction to something. To make matters more confusing, a trait can also be a state, and vice versa. The man who has the personality trait of outgoing might be shy at first around new people. The woman who is typically confident, might exhibit fear or self-doubt when presented with a new…show more content…
We spend a third of our lives at work, and people are moving around from job to job more frequently, seeking a company that allows them to maximize their potential, earn more money, or achieve a better work-life balance. For some, all of these factors will be equally important, while others will prioritize them differently. Whatever our priorities, work feeds into many different aspects of our lives — it influences our self-identity, self-esteem, and opportunities for personal growth. If work was just about making money, it wouldn’t matter so much where we worked. But for most of us, it’s about far more than that. This is where cultural fit comes into play. But what exactly is cultural fit? Organizational psychology guru Adrian Furnhamoffers this definition in his seminal academic textbook, “The Psychology of Behavior at Work” “A fit is where there is congruence between the norms and values of the organization and those of the
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