The Importance of Getting a Higher Education

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The Importance of Getting a Higher Education These days in time, it is imperative to receive a higher education, whether it is a trade, degree, etc. The quest to find jobs is beginning to be more tedious; therefore, having a stronger educational background will make an individual, such as me, qualified for a job or career. As a young African-American, I feel that I am already at a disadvantage because of my race. So in order for me to qualify for a job, I must make sure I have the necessary credentials and training to compete with others. I have to give the hiring employees something that will spark an interest in me and what I have to offer their company. I cannot, in any way, give them the opportunity to stereotype me based on what they see. I have to let my educational status speak for me, which means I’d have to master obtaining a certificate or degree in my chosen field of work. The economy is at an all-time decrease, and in order for me to support myself and my future family, I must have a higher education. Having a higher education will allow me to qualify for a high paying job with benefits. It will also assure that I have job security, meaning I will rarely be in a situation where I face lay-offs, freezes on hiring, salary/pay decreases, etc. Knowing that I have a certificate or degree will guarantee that I have a job that I could possibly retire from. I plan to be a productive member of society; therefore I feel I must have a higher education to fulfill this desire. Once I obtain my degree, I will sleep well in knowing that I have the knowledge and training that I need to secure a career with great day and

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