The Impacts of Class Size on Learning

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The Impacts of Class Size on Learning Author School Abstract Determining whether or not there is an impact of learning depending on the size of the class is very complex. Many factors are considered such as, the grade level that would better benefit a reduction and what the impact of a reduction be on the educational budget. Maximizing students’ learning abilities and academic achievements with minimal costs is the ideal goal. The teaching style and attitude of the classroom, teachers and students alike, weighs in on the equation as well. The Impacts of Class Size on Learning When it comes to the correlation of teacher and students, the ratio between the two does have an impact on learning. An over-crowded classroom of 20 plus students could potentially cause more problems than solutions and a reduction to below 20 students per classroom doesn’t provide proof of sustainment of the positive effects on learning throughout their years of schooling. Thus, the happy medium must be determined to support maximizing the learning potential for every student without breaking the bank. Individual Attention vs. Social Matrix There are multiple benefits in reducing the class size to below 20 students. A reduction is one viable way to improve the quality of learning. Teachers with smaller classes have the luxury of devoting more time to their teaching techniques and instructional methods. This is mainly due to less disciplinary interruptions and more time for individual attention. That creates a more engaging environment for all. Such as an increase in the students’ interests, interactions, and involvements. However, class size reduction could cause inequities socially and minimize the development of a diverse, healthy social mix. Children learn from one another. The foundation of their social skills develop during the primary years of school. Too much
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