The History Of Polygamy

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The practice of polygamy goes back as far as history records. Today, polygamy is an accepted option to almost 80% of the worldss population, based on their culture and religion. But only a minority of those with the option actually accept and practice polygamy. In ancient China, India and Africa, Polygamy always started as an institution designed to serve women. Specifically, it was brought about by the frequency of war. For most of history, the life span of a man was much shorter than that of a woman since only males fought in battles, and conducted the hunts. Polygamy was instituted by the spiritual elements within indigenous societies to ensure each woman would have access to a male mate, regardless of the imbalance in the population. One purpose is to ensure all children are brought up in households with a male and female present. It was also thought to be important for all women to have a sexual outlet. As simple indigenous societies evolved, so did the concept of polygamy. Through trade, science, industry and military events, the simple indigenous societies evolved into more complex political structures. In most of these societies, rather patriarchal or matriarchal, males held most of the executive positions in the military and political structure. With the introduction of either great power or great wealth, the elite males in a society began a steady but gradual shift in the values of the institiution of polygamy. The focus often shifted, to accommodate the personal desires of elite males as much as the original purpose. Many factors such as religion, ecology and social history shaped the final form the system of polygamy would take. But in general, the final product usually assumed one of two possible versions: 1. Its original indigenous version that is female driven and matriarchal in scope. The first wife usually chooses the second wife. Or a single

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