The Hidden Meanings and Metaphors of the Gospel of Mark

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The Hidden Meanings and Metaphors of the Gospel of Mark The Gospel of Mark is only one of four Gospels in the Holy Bible. This Gospel portrays the journey of Jesus and his twelve apostles leading up to Jesus’ ultimate demise and resurrection. Throughout the Gospel of Mark there are many references to Jesus curing the sick, healing the paralyzed and most importantly exorcizing demons. One may glance at the word demon in this writing and automatically assume these beings are sent from the devil to possess inhabitants of the Roman Empire including Judea. Yet by reading more closely it is apparent these said demons and unclean spirits are truly metaphors and symbols for the growing social tensions rippling across the Empire. During this time oppression was rampant, suspicion of one another seemed endless and rebellion became a way of life. However the Gospel appears to focus on three main social tensions. The supposed author, Mark, uses anecdotes of demons as metaphors to enlighten the reader on these main issues. These can be described as the tensions between the ideas of good versus bad, foreigner versus native and brother versus brother portrayed through stories of demonic possessions. The most general issue, which the author presents through the use of demons, is the concern between what is good and evil in the context of beliefs and ways of life. The varying ideas of what is perceived as proper and what could be seen as terrible differ greatly from one populace to the next. For Mark, the suspected author, he makes Jesus’ ideals known of what is right and what is wrong through the attributes of the unclean, demonic spirits and the circumstances surrounding them, yet even his followers don’t quite understand the division between the two. The issue is more explicitly shown when Jesus states, “…but whoever blasphemies against the Holy Spirit can never have

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