The Gothic Genre: Rebecca And The Others

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The gothic genre has based itself upon refining concepts explored in genres such as horror and taking those notions to newer and more developed standards. Originally part of the Romantic Movement, the gothic genre advocates a connection to the use of supernatural themes, bleak remote landscapes, violent weather and dim, secret places where evil can often occur. Characteristics such as “the use of supernatural in the gothic”, “Gothic settings” and “Gothic Horror” make this genre unique in comparison to regular common genres and texts such as Rebecca and The Others show the variety displayed across the board throughout different gothic text types. Another gothic convention present in the 2 texts is “Gothic settings”. This is evident in the opening chapter of Rebecca where the narrator describes Manderley upon revisiting it in her dreams as “Unkept” and as if “nature had come into her own.” With the use of a metaphor to state “the site itself, was a jewel” we begin to understand how grand and majestic this amazing house is, and we are helped to picture a perfect place that is now overwhelmed with nature. “Gothic settings” are also present in The Others. This is mainly shown through long shots of the large house which demonstrate to the responder how isolated the family are and the way in which nature and fog is always encroaching making it almost claustrophobic. More specifically in the “Junk room” scene “gothic settings” are experienced by the use of a locked door, and a room in which mysterious things appear to be occurring. A high angle of Grace shows how she is engulfed by the masses of sheet-covered junk and the responder is held in suspense by the knowing that something is in the room with her. Represented on the poster are many things
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