The Four Contemporary Approaches to Management

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The Four Contemporary Approaches to Management Akera N. Furbert Kaplan University The Four Contemporary Approaches to Management Contemporary Approach can also be known as modern approach, new ways of thinking or modern ways to look at things. There are four contemporary approaches to management which consist of social technical systems theory, quantitative management, organizational behavior, and system theory. Sociotechnical System Theory is an approach to organize a working method that can recognize the interaction between technology and humans in a work environment. It is use to promote teamwork and to create efficient production systems. Quantitative Management is an approach that entails the use of mathematical models to discover the best results for problems. Quantitative Management can be use for many challenges in a work environment like, making decisions resolve employee differences. It can be used to collect information about a problem and potential solutions to develop suitable and functional mathematical models. Organizational Behavior is a human relations approach to learn how people, individuals, and group act in organization. Organizational behavior incorporates an assortment of disciplines, including psychology and sociology, to explain the behavior of employees on the job. Systems Theory is a scientific approach that states an organization is a managed system that changes inputs and outputs. System Theory builds a relationship between the organization and the outside environment; by dependent on input from that external environment a soon they will turn the inputs to outputs meeting the markets requirements. Quantitative Management is an important management approach because it has the skill that independently collect information about a problem. This permits for an objective assessment of workplace issues. It can be supportive in

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