The European And Native American Conflict

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The European and Native American Conflict The Native Americans viewed the land as sacred. The land was shared and could not be owned. They believed they were at one with nature. They had a close relationship with all animal life. Native Americans got their power and strength from their ceremonies and worship of the land and the sun. Power was having a bountiful harvest. The Native Americans were supportive of one another. They fed those that were hungry and provided for those that could not provide for themselves. The Europeans who explored and settled the New World believed that owning land brought them power. They believed they had a right to any land they chose to settle on. Once settled they used the land as a way to make a profit and had no respect for the trees, the animals or anything else. The more land a person owned the more wealth and power he had. The Europeans were also very individualistic. Each family had their own land, house and other belongings and did not feel it was their responsibility to give to those less fortunate than them. Initially the Indians viewed the Europeans as a means of trade for things they needed. They were willing to show them how to use the land, and share with them their knowledge, and experience .The Europeans on the other hand saw the Native Americans as primitive and savage. The Europeans felt they could be easily tricked and would in fact make good slaves. They believed that they could take the land from the Indians without any ramifications. The differences between the world view of the Europeans and the Native Americans did make conflict between the two groups inevitable. With the goal of settlement and land ownership the Europeans had to push the Natives off the land. The Europeans greed and search for riches caused them to take the natural resources which the
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