The Effects of Music on Work Ethics

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The Effects of Music on Work Ethics By: Arii Lynton Abstract In this experiment the effects of music on work ethics is being tested. Volunteers were asked to complete a mixed multiplication table with music playing in the background or in silence to prove the hypothesis that music enhances the studying process by allowing you to remember more of what you’ve studied. Table of Contents Title Abstract Table of Contents 3 Questions, Variables, and Hypothesis 4 Background Research 5 Materials List 8 Experimental Design 9 Data Analysis and Discussion 11 Conclusion 14 Acknowledgements 15 Bibliography 16 Questions, Variables, and Hypothesis Question: Does music enhance or limit a person’s ability to do tasks that require recall skills? Variable: Independent: Song choice Dependent: Amount of correct answers to the problems Control: Songs chosen, multiplication test, time Hypothesis: If music is played in the background, then people will do better on their multiplication tests. Background Research As Beethoven first said so many years ago, “Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents” It is within music that great things are born. We’ve all experienced the effect of music on our feelings and energy levels. We allow music to ignite certain moods within us, and use it to express our daily lives. We are now recognizing more the powerful effects sound can have on us. This research confirms what we already know from our daily lives: Music enhances our daily lives and education. Music was first used to enhance productivity in factories during the Second World War. Music helped ease the monotony of factory work and improve production rates. The employees loved the integration of music and felt that the
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