The Effects of Absentee Fathers on Male Adolescents and Absentee Mothers on Female Adolescents

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The Effects of Absentee Fathers on Male Adolescents and Absentee Mothers on Female Adolescents Lester Brown University of Laverne D.P McDermott Sociology #250 General/Intro November 15, 2012 The Effects of Absentee Fathers on Male Adolescents and Absentee Mothers on Female Adolescents The time in which a child is going through puberty, or adolescence, is a complex one. The physical, mental and physiological changes are significant and vast. When a child reaches adolescence he or she is entering a critical point in his or her life. It is the stage in development in which the child is transitioning into an adult. The body starts going through hormonal changes and can bring about changes in personality and behavior. The child is in need of many things from those they depend on the most; their parents. In the world today, many children are being raised with the absence of one parent due to divorce, death, or abandonment. What kind of a negative impact will this absence have on the adolescent? What psychological impact will the absence of a mother have on her daughter? What psychological impact will the absence of a father have on his son? What is the likelihood these children will go on into adulthood with significant psychological, emotional and sociological trauma due to a lack of a mother or father? In this paper we will discuss the impact of being raised with the absence of a mother on a female child and an absent father on a male child and explain our reasoning for why we believe that impact to be a negative one. Adolescents need guidance and role models. “Children need role models to become emotionally mature and culturally enriched human beings. Having a strong role model gives a child a sense of security and comfort that her life has purpose, which keeps her away from risky behavior when she grows to be a teen. (Children Need Role Models,
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