The Darkness in Poe's, Melville's, Hawthorne's and Dickinson's Works

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The darkness in Poe's, Melville's, Hawthorne's and Dickinson's works This essay will discuss different manifestations of darkness in works of Poe, Melville, Dickinson and Hawthorne. The term darkness is very wide and it has many faces. It can easily be described with one word, death. It can be the end of an extraordinary life or a death of a beloved person. It can be loss of reason and emotional unbalance. Characters from these works are faced with different kind of darkness and are often victims of events that are beyond human control. Readers can see how easily it is to loose the ability to think straight and make difference from right and wrong. Darkness is not something that can be controlled, but a person can choose to accept or fight it. Some of these characters can be understood as reflections of the authors themselves, but they are also faced with everyday temptations and evils. In this essay I will show how these authors understand darkness each in their own way. The darkness prevails in most of Poe's short stories but trough each story Poe changes the shape of the antagonist. Whether it is the nature or human condition, Poe manages to evoke some kind of foresight in reader of what is about to happen. In his stories Ms. Found in a bottle and The oblong box, Poe chooses to present nature as something dark and evil. In Ms. Found in a bottle the calm, depressing weather foreshadows a disaster. Mother Nature really showed the best of herself in this short story. The horrific whirlpool is described as a black hole that will suck and destroy anything that comes on its way. “--Oh, horror upon horror! the ice opens suddenly to the right, and to the left, and we are whirling dizzily, in immense concentric circles, round and round the borders of a gigantic amphitheatre, the summit of whose walls is lost in the darkness and the distance.“[1]

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