The Critical Paradigm

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In our communication theory class, we discussed three paradigms that explain different ways of viewing the world: the post-positivist paradigm, the interpretive paradigm, and the critical paradigm. The paradigm that I believe most closely relates to my own way of viewing the world is the critical paradigm. The critical paradigm focuses on hidden power that exists in many different aspects of society due to imbalances that we have created. Certain groups are oppressed by this power everyday, and the goal is to not only make people aware of the power and oppression they face, but to try and change existing ways and emancipate people from the hidden control. I agree with the critical paradigm view and believe that revolution and change are extremely necessary for many of the cultural and societal aspects of our world today. Under the meta-theoretical consideration of Ontology, or the nature of reality, people who agree with the critical paradigm have varied views about the social world. I have always had a strong social constructionist stance and believe that we create the social world through communication and interaction. I believe injustice and unfairness exists in our society due to the norms that we socially construct ourselves, and we need to take action to change our norms and end the injustice. I also have a strong belief in free will, which follows the meta-theoretical view about human nature under the critical paradigm. I believe our actions are voluntary and that we ultimately have control over the choices we make. The critical paradigm introduces self-reflection as the key to epistemology, or understanding knowledge, which I agree is extremely important. Jurgen Habermas contributed to the epistemological views of the critical paradigm and revealed his belief that a significant aspect of knowledge is reflection of the self. In self others and society: a case

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