The Communication Process Worksheet

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Associate Level Material Communication Process Worksheet Think about a misunderstanding you have experienced with another person at work, school, or in a health care environment. Write your answers in paragraph form. 1. Briefly describe the misunderstanding, including the setting and the people involved. I can think of an incident that occurred many years ago when I first started working in the dialysis unit. I was really young and vibrant with an “I know it all” attitude. My manager told me that Diane was going to show me how to draw a lab. I thought then, “I am just going to be shown how to take a blood sample.” I can remember having been trained by Diane (who has the same personality type as I and yes we did not mix well then)…show more content…
This meant to me that I was going to be taking someone’s blood into a lab tube just like I have seen many times in the hospital. I was taking my view of how I had seen lab tubes drawn before and not taking in to account that there were other proper ways to take lab samples. This affected the communication process because I was consistently stating that I knew how to draw the lab samples. This constant statement was closing all other options to be shown how to do something in a different but correct way. This then created a negative relationship between my coworker and me because I was not allowing her to do her job of teaching me. This negative relationship then closed off our communication line because of how I was stating things and not allowing Diane to do her job of properly training…show more content…
I learned that each individual has a different perception on what or how they view something that is in front of them. Each person has a different type of knowledge to shape this perception because we all come from different cultures, regions, or have different experiences that shape this perception. I have also learned that to have a better understanding in my work environment when communicating I need to look at all aspects of how I see things, but also on how my other coworkers see things as well. We come from different angles when viewing something or hearing something because we all see something in a different world and this creates different realities and perceptions with every person. When communicating we need to look at the definitive facts or things and learn to accept different views because this creates an open mind to shape ourselves to welcome in more knowledge. This knowledge that is learned also creates a more “well-rounded” individual allowing acceptance of other views to build upon what is already known. Everyone’s perception may not be right or wrong, but it should be taken in to account. It is a role for everyone to effectively listen to another person while also learning to receive these messages as well; creating a productive and
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