The Changing Landscape Of Work In The 21St Century

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English 1301 February 12, 2012 The Changing Landscape of Work in the 21st Century There was a time when it was a luxury to have a computer at home. There was a time when people and businesses wrote letters people whom they could not deal with in person. There was a time when we couldn’t make a phone call until we got home. Now, it’s rare to find a house that does not have at least one computer in it. Now E-mail, and text has replaced writing and typing letters to be mailed. Now, because of cell phones, we make a phone call basically anytime, anyplace. In the 21st century this world is technologically advanced in just about all facets of everyday life. Technology is about convenience, consolidation, and advancement. Today’s work place is one area where technology advancement has had a somewhat adverse effect. Many jobs that were performed by humans, can now be done by a computer. As times have changed, and technology has advanced a lot of the workforce has been left behind because of failure to adjust to the modern work changes, or not having a skill specialized enough to be safe from being outsourced, or automated. To have a lasting and successful career in the workforce, a person needs to research their chosen career field, and have a good feel for the growth of that chosen career in the future. Knowing how a career field has changed, and where Flournoy 2 it is projected to be in the future should be one of the most important factors when it comes to choosing a career to pursue. Education also plays a part in how future workers of America will do in the workforce because of the ever changing world that we live in. The same skills, techniques, and philosophies that were evident twenty, or even as little as ten years ago are falling by the wayside. It is important for the school system to continue to keep up with the way of the world. The

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