The Blindness of Georgie and “Fuckhead”

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MD Aeinul Islam Professor Lewis English 1A 10 August 2013 The ‘Fuckhead’ and Georgie In the story “Emergency” by Denis Johnson, both the narrator, also known as “Fuckhead” in this story, and his good friend Georgie, who is also his coworker, shared some things in common like both of them work in the same place, and both of them do drugs and was high during half of this story and thus the story takes on an extremely hallucinogenic quality that remains almost constant throughout, but still there is a world of difference between them. The narrator is inactive, an introvert, happy with the way life is and doesn’t want to change it and lives a meaningless, nonchalant life, and only wants to live in the present and enjoy the present whereas his friend Georgie is adventurous, religious, likes to try new things, kind, a life saver, cherishes every moment, forgiving and also looking forward to the future. The time that both spent together made the narrator realize that how different he is from Georgie and that he is not living a normal life. At the beginning of the story, the first difference can be identified. As the narrator walked in while Georgie was mopping the emergency room, he said that the floor looked clean enough to him whereas Georgie was striving and working harder to make the floor look more cleaner. The narrator seems to use drugs just to escape the boredom and hardships from the world whereas Georgie appears to be driven by the need to save lives, even though he harms himself by using drugs. At the beginning of the story, it can be interpreted that the narrator probably didn’t like his job. The narrator started the story off by talking about his job and during the overnight shift, he went looking for Georgie, probably looking for pills as Georgie used to steal pills from the hospital. Another evidence is that the narrator goes off with Georgie’s orange

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