The Black Family And Freedom Summary

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Hebert Gutment: Professor of Chicago University, 5 generations of family, was not as “damaged” as other people thought, book “The Black family and Freedom” A.A. History is always tied up with the president William Julius Wilson: sociologist, is concerned the primary specialist of A.A. Culture and on males -Individuals in a community and make decision on their understanding -Demear- won’t survive w/o weapons, when you get into a fight, you have to use them “The Bell Curve”: def: black ppl are dumber than white ppl Wilson did not agree, problems are . Main problem was deindustrialization- leave to go to suburbs Geoffrey Canada: when a child is born to the time they grow up same advantages/ privileges as middle class white…show more content…
After Emerson’s death in 1846, scott and his wife filed for separate suits for their freedom, with the help of their white friends. Scott’s lawyer told him b/c he was taken into territory where slavery was illegal, he can become a free man. During the suits, they were wins and losts. The final appeal in the Dred Scott v. Sanford was up to the Supreme Court. Roger Taney, chief justce, denied his request b/c scott was a black man and should not be able to sue in federal court, and the question was, was scott freed b/c he was taken to a state where slavery was prohibited. Uncle Tom’s Cabin: 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe, writer, raised in a religious environment, father and brothers were ministers, she developed a hatred for slavery and converted to writing a melodramatic novel about slaves and their lives. Book covered cruelty, inhumanity, destructive impacts on families during slavery through the 19th century characters and the plots of the story. It made a large amount of the Northerners to rethink slavery and the effects it may…show more content…
Well, the Big City machines, labor unions, liberals, ethnic and racial minorities formed the principle part of the informal coalition and several other people including several small time businessmen, farmers and well almost all the people who had faced the turmoil of the Depression joined in the coalition. There were also several republican loyals, who supported the New Deal. Wagner Act (labor unions), Works Progress Administration (relief program), Social Security Act (for the betterment of the society), United States Housing Authority, Farm Security Administration and Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, where some of the biggest reforms that set things into motion and gave the U.S. Economy a considerable boost. A majority of people benefiting from these enactments were a part of the New Deal Coalition. You may also read more about American
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