Race, Slavery, And Equality

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Race, slavery, and equality have been a central focal point since America’s founding. At the time of this country’s founding there were more than half a million slaves, this includes leading American founders Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and James Madison. But didn’t this go against their idea that all men were created equal? Quite frankly it was, even though we had slavery at the time of America’s founding it’s interesting to point out that it wasn’t included in the constitution. According to Madison’s notes it’s because “the delegates thought it wrong to admit in the constitution the idea that there could be property in men (Spalding, pg. 463). Washington a slave holder was even against slavery, he wrote “there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a plan adopted for the abolition of slavery” (Spalding, pg. 461). America was not the only country of course that practiced slavery; there were many countries that had practiced slavery before. Pinckney states that “If slavery be wrong, it is justified by the example of all the world” (D’Souza, pg. 466). The problem that comes to mind with this is that in those other countries there was no word for freedom, while America was founded as a so called free country. It’s important to understand that slavery wasn’t because of racism but because the pursuit of profit. Slavery was by all definitions unpaid labor which helped build our new world (D’Souza, pg. 467). It’s not so much that race defined slavery relations, but that slavery defined race relations, “Racism developed and spread in America as an ideology to rationalize the enslavement and exploitation of black by a white master class” (D’Souza, pg. 467). We Americans got rich and lived our lives without labor, without fatigue, hardly subjected to the trouble of wishing (Crevecoeur, pg. 475). This is while African Americans were treated
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