The Big Issue Analysis

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Sun Vampires Evaluation The Big Issue is a magazine that is published so it can be sold by the homeless. It does not have a fixed fee; instead buyers are welcome to donate any sum they choose. Sold by the homeless at vendors, outside supermarkets and on the High Street, its buyers are usually young, sympathetic pedestrians, cyclists or shoppers who wish to help those who live on the street. The magazine is aimed at a generally affluent, young adult audience and this is indicated by the reference to the popular celebrities of the time (Bros and Peter Andre), which most young adults would be aware of and interested in, and the inclusion of certain social issues, such as smoking and anorexia (applicable mainly to young adults). Also, the writer's…show more content…
She also uses rhetorical devices to make the reader think about the situation as well as being involved. Cayte Williams changes the tone again, when she refers to Jane Horwood's experiences. Sunbed-tanning is rendered a dangerous addiction, especially with the mention of smoking and anorexia. In social circles, smoking and anorexia are probably the most 'frowned upon'. The dangers of smoking and anorexia both are very perilous, and to be connected with 'harmless' suntanning 'shocks' readers. The words "religiously" and "obsession" also underline its severity, with the word "confesses" making it appear almost criminal. The fact that she may have lost her baby as a result of sunbed-tanning, makes the whole invention seem threatening. People are more likely to believe someone if they are an expert or doctor on the subject of matter and are therefore easily impressed, regardless of whether all of what they say is understood. Cayte Williams uses this to her advantage with the introduction of Doctor Julia Bishop as a "consultant dermatologist at St James' University Hospital in Leeds".…show more content…
* "(Not his real name)" makes John Stevens seem overly vainglorious especially with his blush, and his remark that "there's this unspoken idea that a 'real man' should get his tan doing something rugged and adventurous," and that he would never want anyone to know that he uses a sunbed, proves Williams' point. * Lastly the use of the phrase "Essex Man" is the final strike which completely undermines users of sunbeds, making them seem absurd and self-centred. The description "tandoori tan" makes fun of the tan as 'starkly red' implying that it is very fake. Cayte Williams makes clear her attitude towards sunbeds as unhealthy, harmful and dangerous and conveys her message by portraying tanorexics as materialistic and vain. Even the suppliers of sunbeds are disparaged by being made to seem as though they are preying on gullible customers. The bottom line is not to have anything to do with artificial tanning as it is bad for the health, addictive and makes a person foolishly self-absorbed. ?? ?? ?? ?? Samah Siddiqui 8/12/07 Writing to select, analyse and evaluate Page 1 of 6
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