The Bat Poet- a Work in Progress

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An Essay on the Bat-Poet By Derek Pruestel The Bat Poet depicts a bat who is struggling with his individuality. Unlike the other bats, the protagonist has an artistic sense of creativity and is often rejected. The reader is drawn into the bat’s daily life as he discovers his creativity and causes it to grow. The story is told from the bat’s perspective in third person. The bat is described as a little light brown bat, this represents his difference. He stays up at day and listens and watches. One day he hears a bird and becomes inspired to make poems, because he knows he can’t sing. He said them to bats, but then they rejected him for being different. Like many people they represent, they didn’t want anything to do with the artistic individual. The bat now writes poetry, but can’t find a receptive audience. The bats are too simple, the Mockingbird too technical. Poetry is his form of self-expression, and everyone misses his message of joy in nature. One day he sees a Chipmunk, and befriends him. The Chipmunk is simple, yet open-minded and acceptant of the Bat’s poetry. The text says that this is his response to the owl poem: “it makes me shiver, why do I like it if it makes me shiver?” Now, with an audience and poems, the bat continues his poetry of anything. One time, he got Writer’s Block and gave up on a poem. He then began a poem for the Mockingbird. While he was doing this, he had plans for a poem of bats. He went to the Mockingbird to say his poem, and he did. The Mockingbird did not like its portrayal of him, but liked the poem. The Bat learned much in the story about himself. The story is symbolic of an artist finding their own happiness and creativity. The bat found both. The Chipmunk was a large reason that the bat didn’t give up. The Mockingbird was almost a rival to the Bat; but he accepted his art but thought his own was better. The Bat
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