How Does Steinbeck's Description Of Slim Suggest That He Has Power

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Chapter 1 1. What might be the significance of the dead mouse in chapter 1? When George finds out that Lennie has a mouse in his pocket you can see that George has lots of power over Lennie. George says “Give it here!” which then leads to Lennie obeying him and giving George the mouse. George acts like he is the parent and Lennie is the child in their friendship, which may give evidence why Lennie acts sometimes childish in the book. Lennie tells us that he had the mouse to “put with my thumb while we walked along”. This can give us evidence that he is childlike as he has to fidget and touch things. It reminds the reader of Lennie's mental handicap and how gentle of heart he truly is. Although Lennie killed the mouse, he never meant…show more content…
He keeps repeating “she’s purty.” George, realizing Lennie’s fascination, warns him to stay away from her. Lennie seems to be the only man who has a liking to Curley’s wife, except from Curley. He does not understand that she is Curleys property, so he does not listen to George and carries on talking to her. In the rest of the book this then leads on to disastrous events. 6. How does Steinbeck’s description of Slim suggest that he has power? What do you think about the language he uses to describe him? Slim is the crew chief who comes across as a tough, fair, and likable person. He is described to have “…long, black, damp hair….”and to be wearing “…blue jeans and a short denim jacket.” He had be said to be “…the prince of the ranch…”. This tells us that he has power in the ranch and that everyone seems to look up to him for advice and guidance. Many of the words and images associated with Slim describe him as a man who was like royalty, or a person who is god-like. He expresses equalities that are raised from the other men on the ranch, and the other men respect him as someone who has a lot of knowledge. Chapter…show more content…
Curley assumes, due to his insecurity, that Lennie is laughing at him. He attacks Lennie to show that he is not afraid, and that he is a real man in control. Lennie is obviously the very biggest and strongest man at the ranch. To beat Lennie in a fight would give Curley a sense of self confidence and restore the fear he likes to hold over the men. 9. Why do you think Lennie allows Curley to beat him up? Why is it better for Curley to pretend he got his hand caught in a machine? Lennie does not defend himself because he knows that if he does, it will bring trouble for himself and his friend George. Evidence for this is the quotation "Lennie looked helplessly at George, and then he got up and tried to retreat." He waits until George gives the command for Lennie to fight back so that Lennie protects himself. George has to tell Lennie three times to defend himself before Lennie grips Curley's hand and stops the man from hitting him. After Lennie crushes Curley's hand, it is agreed that Curley will say that the injury occurred as a result of an accident with a machine: “I think you got your han’ caught in a machine. If you don’t tell nobody what happened, we ain’t going to. But you jus’ tell an’ try to get this guy canned and we’ll tell ever’body, an’ then will you get the
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