Texting Misconception Essay

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Elzbieta I Pawlica Professor White College Writing II 17 February 2015 Rhetorical Analysis Texting Misconception In her 2008 student essay called “Texting and Literacy,” Veronica Stafford discusses a well debated topic: texting. Her essay was used in a textbook called From Inquiry to Academic Writing as an example paper on how to effectivity develop a thesis. The essay’s purpose is to inform her peers about the problems that are caused by texting as well as to persuade students to read books more often. Stafford begins with a short anecdote where she describes students who devote their full time and energy to texting. Stafford notices that they do not socialize with people around them. Her description of texting “zombies” is an effective way to grab the reader’s attention. She is well aware that texting is a “quick and easy way to keep up with friends” (115), however, she argues that students are pushing the boundaries, making texting “detrimental” to their academic performance and job success. Stafford then continues to list all of the negative effects that repetitive use of cell phones has on students. Her main claim, “text messaging additionally deteriorates literacy,” is also presented in this list (118). Her overall paper is really effective and persuasive because she applies key rhetorical strategies. Using logos, Stafford presents data from various polls, surveys, and resources to inform the reader about how common texting has become among students. For example, she quotes that “95% of students over the age of 15 have a cell phone” (116). That is a crucial information because it shows the reader through the use of factual claims that Stafford is well educated in this topic which helps to establish her ethos. Stafford then compares the time twenty-four year olds spend reading for fun and seven graders spend texting in order to put in
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