Texas Revolution Essay

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The Texas Revolution February 22, 2010 Antoinette Battle First Essay The Texas Revolution is also known as The War of Independence. The Texas Revolution started on October 2, 1835 and ended on April 21, 1836, however, the war at sea continued up into the 1840s. This revolution started due to an dispute between Mexico and settlers in the Texas part of the Mexican State. There was also many social and political differences that played apart in causing the Texas Revoltion. During the Texas Revolution, there was a number of battles that took place over the years. Some of the Battles that took place was the Battle of the Alamo, Battle of Gonzales, Battle of San Jacinto, and Battle of San Patricio. The Battle of The Alamo started when the Mexican troops launched an assault of the Alamo mission in San Antonio. The Texans eventually defeated the Mexican Army during a new Battle called Battle of San Jacinto which actually ended the revolution. The Alamo which was known as the Battle site is now “the most popular tourist site in Texas.” The Battle of San Jacinto was led by Sam Houston on April 21, 1836. The Texas Army defeated the Mexican Army and many died from the Mexican Army. The general of the Mexican army at that time was General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. Antonio Lopez was then captured after the defeat and later signed the peace treaties which forced the Mexican Army to leave Texas. During the Texas revolution, there was a variety of weapons used. Some examples of the longarms they used was boarding pikes, flintlock pistols, and tomahawks. Some cannons that were used at this time was field cannons, howitzers, and assorted mortatrs. Muskets were known as guns with no rifling. One kind of flintlock rifle known dring the Texas revolution is the tower flintlock carbine. This rifle was a large caliber gun and was used by the Mexican cavalry up until the 1850s.

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