Terrorism In Europe

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Terrorism exists since the first century. In Palestine, the Jewish Zealots killed the Romans at public. This provoqued terror in the people who saw this acts, and the pople that heard about it. That is how terrorism works, makes people feel fear, or terror. Terrorism has a long history, and still there is not an accepted definition. The most used is the one that the United States has in it´s constitution: “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience" I think that the “noncombatant” part is only to justify war, wich I think that should be considered as a type of terrorism too, because works the same way, and are very similar if you analise it. A more accurate definition would be “The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.” (taken from an english dictionary) Terrorism is now an important problem to the world and Europe. There have been many councils to analyse and find a way to fight against it. This problem is now so big that the European Union has as a priority project to erradicate it. Until now, there has not been a notorius succes. There have been many terrorist attacks during Europe´s history, but a notorious example could be the attacks that happened in Madrid the 11th of March, 2004. The March 11 attacks in Madrid are the result of Al Qaeda´s threats of revenge on Spain for its government's backing of the US-led invasion of Iraq. These attacks started at 7:37, with the first bomb. It exploted in a train near the “Atocha” station. After a minute, two more bombs explote in the same train. Chaos and terror is present in this station. Just
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