Terra Cog Gps

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Written Analysis and Communication – I Assignment 1: TerraCog Global Positioning Systems Submitted to YYYYYYYY By XXXXXXX Section: XX PGP On 08/07/2014 Memorandum Date: 15 March, 2008 To: Emma Richardson From: XXXXXXXXX Subject: Recommendation for future of Project Aerial After the impasse among various team members during 7th and 14th March meetings, you had asked me to submit my recommendation in regards to Project Aerial to you. Two major factors which are responsible for the current situation are lack of communication across department and conflicting goals of various stakeholders. Before giving my recommendation, I had evaluated all four options on parameters like impact on brand image, loss of market share, and profit margin, etc. Based on my evaluation, I recommend selling of the final product at the price of $475. I had also worked out future plan of action for implementation of recommendation. I would like to discuss the recommendation regarding Project Aerial with you at your convenience, and also answer any questions you may have. Attachment: Recommendation for Project Aerial Case Analysis Summary Situation Analysis: Conflicting goals of senior management, loss of market share to BirdsI and new product’s performance issue, these are the three major issues currently affecting performance of TerraCog. Emma Richardson needs to take a call on how to proceed with Project Aerial. Problem Statement: What should be Emma Richardson’s next step regarding Project Aerial amidst decreasing market share and conflicting goals of senior management? Options: 1) Sell Aerial at $425 with very less margin 2) Sell Aerial at $475 and then redesign, so as to reduce the cost 3) Delay Project Aerial by six months so that new functionality could be incorporated 4) Launch one

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