Air Travelers Woes Likely To Worsen This Year

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In his New York Times article, “Air Travelers’ Woes Likely to Worsen This Year,” Jeff Bailey talks about Unites States’ Airline companies deciding to reduce growth to offset fuel prices. Every time people fly somewhere, they get very disturbed and anxious because of the gigantic crowds in the airports. They always think they will miss the flight due to not dropping off their baggage on time, or miss the connecting flight, because they have to go through extra security and the lines are enormous. It would seem just right for companies to grow, increase the number of flights to lower the crowding in all the airports. However, major airline companies are actually doing the complete opposite, and are reducing domestic capacity this year, in order to increase fare prices. Looks like some cities will be offered less choice in picking their flights. Now, everyone will have to get used to sitting elbow to elbow,…show more content…
In 2008, fliers can expect to see fewer flights and fewer seats as airlines cut costs and reduce growth to counteract rising fuel prices. In essence, peak flying season is becoming a year-round affair. Bailey observes that, “Because full flights cause airlines all sorts of operational problems, travelers should also brace for continuing problems with delays and misplaced bags. That means the chance of being bumped from an oversold flight could be greater, and finding a seat on a later flight will take longer.” Paul S. Hudson, executive director of the Aviation Consumer Action Project said, “It’s not a good thing,” about airlines reducing capacity. “You’re going to degrade the reliability of the system.” Experts say it is

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