Netflix Business Analysis

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Should Netflix do something to gain back market shares? A Business Case Analysis Symptoms In September 2011, CEO Reed Hastings and fellow executives made a decision to increase their rates 60%, which has led to customer dissatisfaction, increase in more competition, and loss of revenue The reports show that after the price increase shares dropped a substantial amount (15%). Customers became dissatisfied because of the price increase and as a result canceled there membership (2.5 million canceled and projected to be over 6.5 million by end of quarter). Competition has increased due to the fact that their prices are no longer competitive and has given blockbuster to come in and collect all the dissatisfied customers as their subscribers. Problems The first actionable problem is the increase in pricing for the service that we provide here at Netflix. Netflix has dropped 15% in heavy trading stock and has also lost over 2.5 million subscribers and projected to lose another 6.5 million due to the immense price jump. As you can see by reading the symptoms the problem in pricing is the major reason why revenue has dropped in the last year and is continue to fall. The price increase has caused customers to rethink their subscription to the company as most customers believe that watching movies is a pass time and not a necessity. Another problem the company is facing is the decline in market share. Market shares have been declining due to the fact that subscriptions are slow decreasing. Our competitors are offering the same products and service in a much lower price than Netflix. The CEO, Reed Hastings and other Netflix executives are currently selling off a lot of their own stock in the company. The company’s stock is now losing value which has to be regained. Problem Analysis Alternatives our analysis has three symptoms: customer dissatisfaction,

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