Hrm 534 Week 9 Final Strategic Plan

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Final Strategic Plan Every company that strives to be successful for a long period of time must identify its long-term goals by conceptualizing the company’s strategic intention and direction in its vision and mission statements. Companies that do not possess the strategic outline cannot properly organize employees’ energies, and consequently, cannot effectively allocate the needed resources to attain both short-term and long-term goals. To effectively operate a business and to formulate the company strategies and plans, the management of the company must define and articulate the company’s long-range goals in the form of vision and mission statements that are aligned with the corporate culture. Collectively, the company’s driving mechanism…show more content…
guide the company’ strategic direction and are the basic benchmarks in achieving company long-term objectives. The company’s strategic intent that focuses the energies and company resources to satisfy the company’s long-term objectives is succinctly expressed in the vision statement (Pearce & Robinson, 2009). The mission statement that expresses the company’s shared beliefs and goals unifies all employees to become more productive by encouraging the employees to work together as a team to attain the shared ‘mission’. In other words, both vision and mission statements of Accu Property Management Inc. are designed to motivate employees to work together toward achieving the company’s goals and also facilitate the management to map out the strategic plans to reach those goals successfully. The values are the qualities and personality of an organization that directs all employees’ behaviors and decision makings; that is, the organization’s strategic direction is affected by the company’s culture and is outlined with the unique standards and the governances aligned with the company’s vision and…show more content…
Historic high unemployment rate have forced the income property owners to give up their investments and look toward bankruptcy protection when the commercial tenants started to default on the rent payments due to changing consumer buying patterns resulting from dramatic income level decline. Moreover, the local and national financial crisis led consumers to spend their money only on absolute necessities to cope with the recession. Following the basic rules of supply and demand, along with the increased number of foreclosed properties the demand for property management service decreased significantly. With few property management companies, the cost of employing such company increased. Consequently, a new trend in the commercial property management market emerged where the owners of the income properties began managing their own
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