Temperate Grassland Essay

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Temperate Grasslands Temperate grasslands are composed of a rich mix of grasses and forbs and underlain by some of the world’s most fertile soils. The soil of the temperate grasslands is deep and dark. The upper layers are the most fertile because of the buildup of many layers of dead branching stems and roots. This organic matter on the surface and in the dead roots provides a great degree of nourishment for the living plants, and the living plants on the surface are important for the animals. They need it for food and living. The soil in these areas is incredibly rich and the land is flat and treeless, most of this biome has been turned into farms or ranches. The most common soil in this area is the black earth and the chestnut soil. The black earth (Chernozem): It is regarded as the optimum soil for agriculture as they are deep, rich in organic matter, retain moisture, and have an ideal crumb structure with well-formed peds. After intensive ploughing, chernozems may require the addition of potassium and nitrates. The chestnut soil: Chestnut soils are more alkaline, due to increased capillary action, and suffer from more frequent summer droughts. Deposits of calcium carbonate are found near to the surface and the soil is generally shallower than a chernozem. Chestnut soils are agriculturally productive if aided by irrigation, but mismanagement can quickly lead to their exhaustion and erosion. The temperate grasslands have been utilized by hunters, herders, farmers, and shepherds of the world. People have benefited from the plains and the animals that forage there. Animal Husbandry is very important in this area. It provides meat, wool, and a lot of dairy products. All the benefits we get at the temperate grassland are based on the grass there, such as animal meat, animal fur and a lot of dairy products. Without grass the animals will no longer be able

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