There are many laws out there that ban texting and drinking while driving to keep people from harm’s way but there are so few people who actually obey the laws. Research shows that drinking while driving & texting while driving are equally harmful because they both impair the driver’s vision, the driver’s reaction time, & the driver’s concentration & vigilance, all skills needed to prevent millions of accidents, deaths, & injuries every year. There’s ample evidence that shows drunk driving fatalities have definitely decreased in the last 40 yrs. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides us with some interesting information, which I have converted into a line graph. My visual aid shows the fast decrease in drunk driving fatalities between 1970 & 2012.
The risk of a teen getting into a wreck increases by 44 percent with one teenage passenger and quadruples with 3 or more passengers. When teens get into crashes they are not only putting themselves at risk of injury but also other innocent drivers. Many teenagers are not careful while driving and that is why the number of teens killed in car wrecks are so high. Young teenagers are most of the time not very responsble. They do not pay attention as much as an older driver would and that can cause many crashes.
| The Dangers of Drunk Driving Did you know that when you drive under the influence the likelihood of getting into an accident is 1.4 times more probable than if you did not? The Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that 60 percent of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol related. Teens often abuse the power of alcohol resulting in a dangerous situation like DUI. The dangers of drinking and driving can ruin your life forever and can result in fatal crashes where you or others can be killed. Drunk driving is the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.
Then she started to go out without her parents knowledge. In June, 2008, she got caught with a group of young boys and girls because of being drugs addict. Second, adolescents generally are not good drivers because they tend to be childish and less mature. An article written by Garry Boulard, an American journalist and biographer, indicates my hypothesis had some truth in it. Boulard states the "inexperienced teenagers are usually more distracted than other drivers and they are less
Why are teenagers the way there are What is wrong with teenagers? JD Salinger shows a rough time as a teenager in the book Catcher in the Rye. Holden Caulfield is a normal teenager going through a rough patch in his life causing him to make bad decisions. Teenager’s minds are not always fully connected, meaning we make dumb choices. According to the article of teenage brain developments, “When two teenagers’ drivers are racing down the road darting through traffic to get ahead of each other… They are doing it because the risk and danger involved” (Sheryl Feinstien).
Should The Legal Driving Age Be Raised? Most accidents today are caused by young teenage drivers. Most 16 year olds can’t wait to get a license and get behind the wheel of an automobile, that’s exactly how I was also. I'm interested in this matter because of curious reasons as far as what other people think, an how they feel about the legal driving age today. It's a pretty common discussion among just about everybody, mostly teenagers.
One of these organizations is known as “Text Kills.” “Text Kills” visits high schools nationwide to demonstrate how texting impairs judgment while driving (TextKills). Through a simulation exercise, teens are put in a stationary automobile in which they ride with a cell phone in the passenger seat. The results of this simulation proved that when the cell phone made a beeping noise, even though it was not theirs, students grabbed it instinctively, taking their eyes off of the road. Students report that during the exercise they crashed many times, and felt like they were not in full control of the vehicle. One student states, “It’s very distracting.
While driving, adults and teenagers cannot resist the urge to pick up their cell phone and send a text or respond to one, as soon as the driver’s eyes meet their cellular device; their focus on the road is drawn away. In 2009, 5474 lives were taken and 448,000 people got injured from car accidents from being distracted while driving says the “Outlawing Text Messaging While Driving: Legislators in Several States Respond to Safety Concerns”U.S. News and World Report Article. The lives of innocent people are being taken every day due to a simple distraction. Car crashes are four more times more common to take place while the driver is on their mobile device over any other causes.
The article goes on to say that several studies show that the lowered MLDA in the 29 states had an immediate impact on motor vehicles crashes increased among teens. This shows that the decrease in the MLDA affected the teenagers in a negative way by allowing them to drink at a younger less mature age. Another concern with lowering the drinking age is negative on teen’s health. Under the age of 21 your brain is still developing. During this development alcohol negatively affects all parts of the brain, including coordination, motional control, thinking, decision making, hand-eye movement, speech, and memory (Pg.2 Par.6).
Drivers that text while driving are 4 times more likely to get into crashes serious enough to hurt themselves or someone else. 1. According to a study teenagers are more suseptible to car crashes and fatal road crashes. 2.One of the surprising statistics about texting while driving is that it is more dangerouse than driving under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. C. Considering the distraction of the driver in texting while driving, this activity keeps the driver involved in texting for around five seconds, which on a highway means a hundred yards.