Teddy Roosevelt and His Progressive Policies

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The many aspects of Teddy Roosevelt’s personality played important roles in his progressive policies throughout his presidency. Teddy’s was a man of the people, his policies focused on making life better for the common man. He created policies such as the Pure Food and Drugs act, and the Meat Inspection Act. He soon took action to improve our countries railroad systems. Lastly he created the national park system to preserve our lands for the future in the name of Americans. Teddy’s strong will to fight for the common greatly influenced his progressive policies. The Pure Food and Drugs Act, established in 1906 and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906, were two acts made by Teddy to protect the consumers of America. The Pure Food and Drugs Act required the companies distributing consumable items to label exactly what is in their products, that way the American public was not consuming substances they were not sure of. The Meat Inspection Act of 1906 made it required for all meat and livestock to be inspected, which is why today we have grades on our meet. Teddy fought for this policy so that public would be protected from disease and misleading products, his protection of the common man pushed this policy through. The Elkins and Hepburn Acts, were created to repair and improve the, at the time fractured railroad system. There were so many crazy rates for transporting goods across state lines and even in states that it was causing farmers to go bankrupt. Teddy used the acts to make the shipping equal all around and help the farmers, and small business owners. Teddy fought against the big businesses and protected the common man yet again. His determination to help those who were being treated unfairly helped his progressive policy carry through. Our national parks help us preserve our lands and resources. We have Teddy Roosevelt to thank for these. To

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