Technology and Its Effects on Communities

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Abstract Bahamian communities have started to embrace many forms of technology and are incorporating them into their everyday lives. This paper discusses the vast array of technological advancements worldwide that are now at the disposal of Bahamians. Worldwide, technology is not only used in the business sector, but has also been introduced into homes for socialization and for entertainment purposes. Technology has also become a mainstay in societies worldwide as a means to improve the life of mankind. This paper will talk about the many ways in which technology is being used as entertainment; how it’s assisting in the world of business, and how it has improved the lives of many. The paper will also discuss the downside of technology; the social issues, family-base problems and the health concerns attributed to technology. Based on a survey, “Why Bahamians utilized technology”, this paper reveals those percentages; indicating the specific technology—the mobile phone, which is the technologic device of choice for Bahamians. This paper attempts to present a pros and cons debate about technology and the effect it has on Bahamians. The Effects of Technology Introduction Technology is building bridges between people on opposite sides of the globe. How we express ourselves, even how we think is being delicately changed by our technological devices. Modern technology has in fact changed the definition of creativity and has modeled what entertainment and business has become, whilst enhancing to some extent, the standard of living of people. Most Bahamian people will, and do praise the many technological devices that they use in their everyday lives. Modern technological devices (laptop, smart phones, mp3 & mp4 portable media players, tablets etc.) are more visible everywhere in the Bahamas. Technology as Bahamians know it is evolving
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