Organisational Structure of the Two Businesses and How This Helps the Organisations Fulfil Their Purposes

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Title: Organisational structure of the two businesses and how this helps the organisations fulfil their purposes Introduction: What I will be talking about in this report will be about how the structure and the functions have been divided into functions as well as how they work. I will also explain each individual functional area and what each of them does. Findings: The organisational structure of Apple Inc. is set up like this: Apple Inc. has a functional organizational structure this mean that it is a discrete part of an organization that is designed to meet a specific purpose. It is divided by firstly having the CEO followed by the executive team, VIP reporters and then lastly vice presidents. The company is divided like this which when looking at this you will be able to see the line of management it refers to a person who is directly responsible for somebody else. It gives us a clear picture of the relevant sections of the organisation by showing the relationships between different parts. The functional that Apple Inc. has is sales and marketing, ICT, administration, human resources, research and development and lastly customer service. Each of them has a specific thing to do and they all help the company achieve it purpose. What a few of the functions is: Sales and marketing do is that it works on a message that will generate leads, bring brand awareness for example there has been a lot of marketing and sales in the new iPhone 5. This helps the company get know around the globe which interests customers as well as potential shareholders which helps it make a large, increasing profit. What in ICT function does in Apple Inc. is that is controls IT maintenance it helps to obtain as well as installing hardware and software, it manages the LAN and WAN networks and lastly it helps other ICT users with their PC’s. With this it helps the business

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