Tda 3.3 1.1

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1.1 In order to enable effective teaching and learning to take place, positive engagement and behaviour in all aspects of school life is necessary. Our school family works to create a welcoming, calm, supportive and safe learning environment in which every person is valued. We aim to promote positive attitude in our pupils, creating an environment in which good behaviour is expected, within a climate of trust. We see this as a three-way partnership with pupils, parents and staff all taking responsibility for their actions. We are a community school with strong moral ethos. Schools rules are for the safety and comfort of all members of the school community. Any form of bullying, discriminatory behaviour or fighting will not be tolerated. We have adopted the behaviour programme ‘Stay on Green’. This policy is intended to be consistently applied although, at times, staff will use their personal discretion. Aims . To provide a safe environment free from disruption, violence, bullying and any form of harassment. . To enable children to understand that acceptable behaviour is a result of mutual respect -respect for ourselves, respect for others, and respect for property. . To promote the values of honesty, trust, fairness, tolerance, compassion and politeness. . To reinforce positive behaviour. . To ensure fairness of treatment for all. . To encourage consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviour. All Adults: . To provide a positive role model . To have high expectations of themselves and the children . To emphasise and reward positive behaviour . To respond to, and deal with, unacceptable behaviour in a firm and consistent . To involve and inform parents of all aspects of this policy All children . To understand that they are a valued part of the community . To understand their role . To discuss and
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