Swot Analysis for Whole Foods

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SWOT ANALYSIS FOR WHOLE FOODS Strength Whole Foods’ Company primary source is to provide the highest quality products in the industry. It is important for Whole Foods to add a unique product that offers value to the buyer in the market. Some grocery retailers in the marketplace offer some form of organic products, but a few match the quality standards Whole Foods markets place on their merchandise. The in store shopping experience at Whole Foods Markets is a different environment that is enjoyable and desired by consumers in this market. (i.e. Wal-Mart has a completely different style, by driving to be the one-stop shop it tends to be more crowded and its aisle are more hard to get through. Whole Foods environment allows others to learn about various nutritional ideas and supplements that are not available elsewhere or add enough room to implement the different types of innovations Whole Foods customers are use to. Weaknesses Pricing perception Whole Foods is known as “whole paycheck” because some of the foods are higher priced than other grocery stores. Slow growth of organic food farmers, so the supply chain of organic foods is underdeveloped and cannot meet the needs of American food system. U.S. government provides support to non-organic food therefore other companies grow food faster and cheaper. Opportunities Whole Foods has to find a cost effective way to give back to regular customers (i.e. reward cards or discounts for customers to return). Educate consumers about the new product available. As more information enters the market, more consumers will understand the benefits of organic/natural foods, and be aware of how important it is to eat healthy. Expand private label, Whole Foods needs to change the attitudes of those consumers that think that healthy foods are more expensive than other foods. Whole Foods has brand name products that provide a

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