Understanding Of Our Food

952 Words4 Pages
Z Vang Understanding of our Food Some people prefer to have knowledge about their food such as where it is coming from and how the food was prepared. Some people are just ignorant and buy whichever that are cheap or looks the best. Some people do not have time to go deep into knowing their food resulting in unhealthy eating. These days the food industry decorates food and attracts the customers with their products that may not be healthy at all, brainwashing consumers’ mind in making them forget the reality of food. In the essay, “The Pleasures of Eating” by Wendell Berry, he states that the society lacks the knowledge of the making of their food and whether the food is healthy or unhealthy. He goes on and explains that the food industry attracts the customers trying to make them buy their products that has been treated with drugs and chemicals but looks as good as if it was freshly and naturally produced. Berry claims that the food industry will do anything to get people to buy. It would be difficult to know what to cook for a cultural food critic like Berry. One type of food I would serve to Berry is home grown or local farms vegetables. Vegetables at a supermarket may have been treated with chemicals because when the food industry produces, they produce a large volume and relies on drugs and chemicals to keep them alive. “As capital replaces labor, it does so by substituting machines, drugs and chemicals for human workers and for the natural health and fertility of the soil” (39). The food industry also relies on machines rather than labor to accelerate the process and to meet a sales quota for a certain period, thus following the quote “time is money.” Substituting machines for human workers also save the expense of payment towards the labor of workers. Machines are not the only way to speed up the process, but adding drugs and chemicals is another factor

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