Susan B Anthony Women's Right To Vote Analysis

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Although women have the right to vote today, this is quite different compared with women’s condition back in the late 1800’s. Women were treated unfairly; they just belonged to their husbands who were able to control all of their rights and use a moderate coercion if they were disloyal or disobedient. Being a woman who is willing to break the rules to bring back a freedom life for all women, Susan B. Anthony tried to vote for a presidential election and was arrested due to being female in 1872. During her trial, Anthony published a speech “On Women’s right to vote”. In her speech, the main reason Anthony was successful in persuading her audience was that she clearly established an exigent circumstance early and effectively adapted her writing to the kairos of the moment. Anthony established a strong exigence that her exercise of voting was legal. She had committed no crime to be put in jail and it is secured by many past, trusted document. By establishing her exigence of the situation, Anthony makes a strong hook and grabs her audience’s attention. Because she wrote a public speech rather than a letter or an…show more content…
She went to vote for presidential election and was arrested due to her female sex. The exigence behind Anthony’s essay was that her exercise of voting was the right thing to do. She had committed no crime to be put in jail. She said that “ I not only committed no crime, but instead simply exercised my citizen’s rights, guaranteed to me and all United States citizens by the National Constitution beyond the power of any state to deny” (Anthony 13). Anthony expresses that women’s voting was not illegal. She believed that The Constitutions had secured her right to vote as a citizen of the United States. Anthony clearly established her exigence so that the audiences can understand the reason she was put in jail and her feeling from being prevented from voting because of her female
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