Support Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities

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CCLD FP OP 3.3. Support children and young people with learning disabilities. 1. 1.1. A learning disability affects the way a person learns new things in any areas of life. It affects the way they understand information and how they communicate. A learning disability means that it is harder for a child to learn, understand and communicate than it is for other children. A learning disability can be mild, moderate or severe. Some people with a mild learning disability can talk easily and look after themselves, but take a little longer than usual to learn new skills. Others may not be able to communicate at all and have more than one disability. The unit I work within has a mixture of children with mild and moderate learning disabilities. There are some children with Autism who are unable to communicate fully through speech and therefore Makaton (a form of sign language) is used and some of the children within our class setting have more behavioural needs rather than an actual learning disability. CCLD FP OP 3.3. Support children and young people with learning disabilities. 1. 2. A learning disability happens when a persons brain development is affected, either before they are born, during their birth or in early childhood. Several factors can affect brain development including – ( the mother becoming ill during pregnancy. ( problems during the birth that may stop enough oxygen getting to the babies brain. ( the unborn baby developing certain genes. ( the parents passing certain genes to the unborn baby that make having a learning disability more likely. ( illness such as meningitis or an injury in early childhood. Sometimes there is no known cause for a learning disability.
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