If the mother smokes, takes drugs, becomes ill or suffers from stress this can result in premature birth and health problems for the baby such as -: low birth weight, undeveloped organs, problems with sight and hearing which will result in the delay their development. Perinatal – this is the actual time of birth. Babies born before 37 weeks are called premature babies. They may need intensive care which will affect the development. Ex: Lack of oxygen during birth will affect the development of the baby.
Brain infections, head injury, physical injuries, and near drowning in childhood can damage the brain of a growing child, which have found to be related to mental retardation more or less. In addition, poverty, malnutrition, unhealthy living conditions, inadequate medical care, and cultural deprivation may all increase a child’s risk for this condition, since children who are neglected or abused often do not develop normally. It has to be mentioned that some findings related to the educational background of parent suggest that younger mothers with 12 years
If both parents have the gene then there is a one in four chance that the child will be born with it. People that have cystic fibrosis could have many factors that affect them physically, intellectual, emotionally and socially. People with this condition could have problems absorbing nourishment from foods and may also have respiratory and chest infections. This could affect their every day life and could prevent them from joining in sports at school for example. Cystic fibrosis can have many effects of an individual’s life as they are expected to have a shorter life expectancy compared to people without the condition.
P2- Potential effects of life factors and life events on the development of an individual. Genetic Asthma-Adolescence Asthma could affect Kate physically because she might not be able to exercise as much and do activities that involve a lot of exercise because of her getting out of breath and having to take breaks to prevent an asthma attack. Asthma could affect Kate intellectually because she could miss out on important learning if she is at doctors’ appointments or if she has an asthma attack and has to leave school, and she could miss out on important information that could affect her grades in the future. Asthma could affect Kate emotionally because asthma may make Kate feel like she isn’t good enough or that she is too unfit so she could give up on exercise or anything that gets her asthma going. Asthma could affect Kate socially because she may not get to see her friends as much as she would like because of activities that involve exercise such as swimming.
This perspective can also be used to explain phobias. This perspective could help us to understand a service user who has a phobia of needles. Freud would say that the phobia is a symbol of an unconscious problem or past experience in childhood e.g. a patient may have been hurt by a needle or had an awful experience – poking around for a vein. Now they are older and may need blood tests, maybe insulin dependent diabetic - they would need psychoanalysis in the day care centre to get over this phobia We need to be careful not to make assumptions about services users – their behaviour may be due to earlier childhood experiences.
Different areas of a young carers life have been considered including their family (and parenting capacity), health, education and safeguarding concerns. Attachments between the parent and child can suffer when there is mental illness and separation away from their parents, due to hospital admissions, is a worrying time, however as separation is natural in child development this can create resilience in the child. I chose this subject as I have experience from my practice and I can link the theory and research to my direct work. I found that adults with mental illness are one of the most excluded groups in society and there are close links between poverty, mental ill health, discrimination and social exclusion. Parental mental illness can have a negative effect on the parent / child relationship and child development, especially where there is little external support.
This kind of cause occurs when a baby does not grow well in the utero because of problems with the placenta, or the mother's health or birth defects. Babies with Intrauterine growth restrict may be born early, also premature babies with intrauterine growth restrict may be very small and physically immature, and full-term babies with Intrauterine growth restrict may be physically mature but weak. Also, low birth weight also depends on the age of the mother. If the mother is a teenager, then it is more likely for her baby to have low birth rate, especially those younger than 15. Multiple birth babies are at increased risk of low birth weight because they are often pre mature.
Low birth weight is more relevant in very premature babies and ‘small for date’ babies. The most likely cause of low birth weight is ‘inadequate nutrition before birth’ where either the mother had an inadequate diet, the placenta did not function normally or the babies had ‘defects that prevented
Personal factors are factors that personally affect the child. These may include: • The child’s genetics. • Mother who smokes, uses drugs or alcohol, poor diet, anxiety and illnesses such as rubella. • What happens during birth – i.e. lack of oxygen to child etc.
Moreover, there are some factors that contribute to children's accessibility to medicine such as improper medicine storage. Furthermore, unsuitable storage or storing of medicine near children's reach causes medical poisoning among children also another issue of medical poisoning (o'connor 2001). Another reason that make children at risk of medical poisoning is that they are still in progress of brain development